Young family walking on the beach during sunset

How We Protect You

We are committed to the safety of your accounts and provide a variety of security measures to ensure we are following through on that commitment.

Hand holding debit card and reviewing transactions on mobile phone

Debit Card Transaction Monitoring

Man reviewing bank transactions on tablet

Bill Pay Fraud Monitoring

Person on laptop and smartphone

Secure Data Transfer

At a high level, SSL uses public key cryptography to secure transmissions over the Internet. In practice, your browser will send a message via SSL to the bank’s server. The bank responds by sending a certificate, which contains the bank’s public key. Your browser authenticates the certificate (agrees that the server is in fact Community State Bank), then generates a random session key which is used to encrypt data traveling between your browser and the bank’s server. This session key is encrypted using the bank’s public key and sent back to the server. The bank decrypts this message using its private key, and then uses the session key for the remainder of the communication.

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protects data in three key ways:

  1. Authentication ensures that you are communicating with the correct server. This prevents another computer from impersonating Community State Bank.
  2. Encryption scrambles transferred data.
  3. Data integrity verifies that the information sent by you to Community State Bank wasn’t altered during the transfer. The system detects if data was added or deleted after you sent the message. If any tampering has occurred, the connection is dropped.

Woman on laptop at the office

Introducing Secure Now Online Banking Security